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Soul Nomad & the World Eaters

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Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm

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Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light

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Natural Doctrine

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Tales of Graces f

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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

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Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel

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Persona: Revelations

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Class of Heroes

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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

Updated about 15 years ago


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about 5 years ago

so many changes here. But I still get on with Play station 3 [Link]
about 5 years ago

I love this game much. I play it everyday.
about 5 years ago

Oh! This article has suggested to me many new ideas. I will embark on doing it. Hope you can continue to contribute your talents in this area. Thank you.
about 9 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Sleep: Not playing anything
How was Legend of Heroes?
about 11 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Well, there's either a soft mod route or a hard mod, although you'll have to look into that yourself as I'm no expert. I bought my PS2 hard modded and that was the end of it. Have you checked the link I provided? There's discussion about how to go about playing the game, and there's even a link to a fully patched iso. You could also try emulation if you got the hardware for it.
about 11 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Hey pal! How have you been? Shadow Tower: Abyss was amazing! It is more polished than the first game; cleaner interfaces, better control, and no load times. It sort of had an Aztec theme going on (at least in the first areas) and story is just plain weird. I would also say that it was easier when compared to the original, as you had several kinds of ranged weapons and firearms with sufficient ammo at your disposal, and you'd come across loads of magic rings with spells ala Eternal Ring. Even without those, and sticking to melee like I mostly did, you could target certain parts of the monsters and sever them off with the right weapon and strike. The game has a ton of equipment, by the way. I'm a little ways into NG+, and the item list is only at 50%. Also, one of the control schemes allowed using you using both analogs in FPS style, an option sorely missed in KFIV and ER.

There was a translation patch released a while back, here: [Link] and I found a pre-patched iso of the game and just played that on my modded slim PS2. Although it's not the best translation ever and contains a few textual errors, I'm not complaining. I would like to own the actual game some day, but at least I get to experience this gem w/o the language barrier for now.
about 11 years ago

Backlog Beaten: November 25, 2011
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Hey long time to see!
Hows things going?

Well to answer your question quickly I say wait for like 30 dollars. I got my copy for free so that's why I'm not bothered by the game at all. But I mean there are 9 chapters and just playing normally for the first part and stealth towards the end the game wasn't very long I know its meant for multiple play throughs. But if your like me at all you have a ton of other games to play so you may not go back for a long time so out of the gate its not really worth the 40 or 50. But if I had to rate it I'd give it a 6/10 which for my unlike most review sites means its a great game but the length brings it down from a 7 big time.

Hope that helps and makes sense lol
about 11 years ago

Backlog Beaten: February 17, 2010
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2015
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Focus: Only playing one game
It was one of the first PS3 games I bought and still one of my favourites. There isn't particularly one aspect that I find interesting, as the game hangs so well together as a whole, each element adding to, and complimenting, the others:

The dual character approach to start with is great, seeing the same story from 2 separate view points, each revealing something the other doesn't see. Plus, both characters are well written and fleshed out with recognisable motives, characteristics and personalities.

The village of Doolin (or Limerick, depending on which version you have) is bleak, seemingly abandoned and the perfect setting for the day-time storyline, whereas the Netherworld is a mix of vibrant, diverse landscapes that suit the dark nature of death and the night-time storyline (though I thought HellRealm could have been better ). Being one of the first PS3 games it's also still great to look at in HD. Everything looks sleek and polished and just heightens the mood even more.

Then there's the music. Simple & haunting yet incredibly engaging it drives the story, characters and gameplay so well (I, obviously, own the soundtrack), just adding to the great atmosphere.

The story itself... blew my mind! The whole mystery/thriller angle throughout, with that amazing climax ending is just unforgettable. It tantalises you with snippets throughout each chapter, and across both characters, letting you try to piece it together yourself. It doesn't treat you like an idiot and spell everything out all the time like other games.

The ONLY negative I can think of is that I would have liked the village sections to be more like a classic point-n-click adventure game, where you can examine objects, items and places to gain more info etc; maybe even some item puzzles (like figuring out how to unlock a door or something). In reality the village sections are basically player-controlled cut-scenes; go here, press X, go here, progress to the next Netherworld. While not BAD, I would have liked something more made of it.

tl;dr - Everything from the great atmosphere, story, dual characters, gameplay and fantastic music.
about 12 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Hey dude, glad to hear from you.

Yeah, the site doesn't accept hotlinking anymore, but you could conveniently use one of the hosts listed here; [Link] and use this for quick image resizing/editing; [Link]

Thanks for the info regarding sword magic. I've had to figure that all out during the endgame. Turns out all weapons have basic magic (including your fists), but only at weapon level 3. Only exception are the seven unique weapons; Black Scar, Crystaline Blade, Tsunami, Earthquake, Dark Defiler, Triple Fang, and the Moonlight Sword. They all have unique spells starting from weapon level 1, and they get more powerful the higher the level. Level 1 to 2 requires 180 successful hits. Level 2 to 3 requires 300 hits.

I managed to beat the game more than a month ago, and I did mostly everything there is to do; maxing out my level and all magic spells, most weapons at level 3, finding all unique items, buying out stores, the works... it was a superb KF experience on a much grander scale than all previous games.

I'm looking forward to trying out Shadow Tower Abyss soon, now that there's a complete translation for it.
about 12 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Indeed, the atmosphere is like no other. My favorite area so far has got to be the Forge at the Earth Folk's realm and the connecting lava cavern. It was awesome watching how the dynamics of that area change. I also love both their themes, and how well they complement each other.

In my last session, I backtracked to ruined camp at the beginning and dropped through the well. After finding the Endure Fire crystal, I used that to pass beyond the fire-arrow-spitting faces and I'm now in what I believe to be the Widda's domain. I also found Zastari's Map, so yay. I never play along with a walkthrough. That just takes all the fun out of it. I've been keeping notes of locked chests/doors as I played, so I can get back to them easily whenever I find the correct keys. And man, are there lots of keys in this one.

Concerning sword magic; I can't get them to work. I'm not sure if the weapons I'm trying don't have them in the first place, or if my timing is off. I tried with the Black Scar, the Crystaline Blade and Tsunami. Do I need to level them up or something?

Here: [Link] That should be your avatar.
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