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Playing through the my player mode and for a change I'm doing pretty well. The Prophet is the Mavericks new star, believe it.

Updated about 12 years ago

Playing co-op with my girlfriend and having a hell of a lot of fun.

Updated about 12 years ago

Dark Souls
Starting a new game, dex build me thinks, hoping for some friendly co-op and now I'm playing the DLC!

Updated about 12 years ago

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about 12 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
No worries. Time gets taken off all the time around here, haha.

Yeah, I ran through Dishonored pretty damn quickly, which is one of the lesser complaints I have about the game. For a full-price game, it's pretty short. While I think the game is very much a fine game, I have to say that I came away disappointed with it to be honest. That's partially my fault for letting my expectations get too high, but it's not the case that every time I do that with a game that the game fails to live up to it either. Human Revolution was one I got really hyped about and loved, for instance. I've not spent a lot of time trying to really put my problems with the game to words, but I think the biggest thing is simply the style of the game. When it comes to stealth, I think it is really hard to make something so open have the proper difficulty to keep me engaged all the time. Some of it is just my personal preference of wanting a little linearity to my experience. As it stands, I felt like I was going through the motions with Dishonored a lot of the time. It was still a very well done game, but it didn't wow me like I wanted it to do.

That sucks about your trophies, though. I've never had that happen before, and I got the one in HR that you mentioned. That's one issue with those full-game length special condition trophies that if you mess up and don't know it (or the console doesn't register it for some reason), then you've got the whole game to play to try again.

I wasn't even aware that the new content for Dark Souls was released for PS3 already, haha. Glad to hear you manned up on the O&S fight, though, lol. It might be a little while before I can pick up the extra content, but I'll let you know on the co-op stuff. My week is a little up in the air at the moment, as I'm not sure which days I'll be free. I'll get in touch though.

What did you like most about Skyfall? I haven't seen any Bond flicks, to be honest, lol.

By the way, if you get the chance to pick up Mark of the Ninja at any point, I highly suggest it. While Dishonored's stealth felt a bit lacking to me, MotN has some of the best stealth mechanics I've played in a game. It's also really nice looking, as are most Klei games. If you're interested, I'll give you a much better rundown of it.

Oh yeah, sorry it's been a few days for me to respond. I typically don't check much over the weekend, and I was working outside most of Sunday, lol.
about 12 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
That sucks, man. You were making some great progress as well. So had you already done the mage's tower as well? What system were you playing on? I'll be anxious to hear what you think of Hitman. I'm never played a game in the series before, but I am interested.

Good to hear about both Borderlands and your prospects for Borderlands 2. I really had a great time playing solo, but I am a sucker for all things loot. So what is your class? I was siren, and had a blast with her.

I did pick it up, but I'm not sure when I will play it. I have this thing where I feel like I have to own a game almost right away, but once I have it I usually don't feel the need to play it right away. That is good to hear. The thing about 3D stealth games that has always bugged me is that it always feels a bit ambiguous about when I will be detected and when I won't. Also, in real life it is quick and easy to look around and see where everyone is. In a game, if you are given that option it is a time consuming process and I just don't have the patience for memorizing enemy patterns and waiting for the right moment. I have heard that the game is pretty easy once you get some upgrades. That is fine by me as I suck at stealth anyway.

Well, the 360 was a good run while it lasted. Mine still gets a fair bit of use, but probably not for anything I couldn't buy on the PS3. So when you get to head back to the states? Do you get a pretty lengthy break?

The weekend was good. Hope yours was the same. How are you liking NBA? Your team is the Thunder, right? I can't believe they traded Harden.
about 12 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Sorry it has taken so long. Had a bit of a tough week with some goings on around here. Nothing long-lasting serious; just taxing.

Glad to hear you're enjoying DA still. There's definitely a certain learning curve to the combat system, but certain things can make it a lot easier for you. Since you're using Alistair, I'd recommend trying to level his dex (I think) and make him a dodging style tank. While you'd normally think a tank needs to have really high HP, it doesn't matter as much when they can dodge everything the enemy throws at them, lol.

I've never been able to stick with sports games for very long, particularly the ones that are simulation style. Occasionally an arcade-y kind of sports game can draw me in (I had a nice run with one of the MLB Slugfest games a long time ago), but usually it's not much my thing. Same kinda deal with racing games. Mario Kart aside, I think the only racer I spent much time with is NFS: Hot Pursuit 2, which is also obviously more of an arcade style.

No problem on Dark Souls. I'm pretty free for the most part on any day outside Friday and Saturday, so whenever your schedule obliges and you want to try to get on there together, just let me know. More than likely, I'll be able to work with you on it, lol.

So you pretty much took the standard route outside of killing old Ceaseless. Speaking of him, did you ever do the cheap death trick on him where you get him to follow you back to the fog gate to the point that he falls off an edge and pretty much immediately dies? I've done it once just to see it, and it's pretty funny. Usually on my files I'll skip Blighttown proper and just hop down the back way and fight Quelaag and be done with it. Well, I may also go to Ash Lake, but I still avoid the town portion of Blighttown, which is the worst (outside the blood mosquitoes in the swamp, ugh). I also often head back to the tutorial area immediately after unlocking the elevator before the Gargoyle fight.

I know what you mean on horror movies. They've really gone downhill as far as mainstream stuff goes. Kacey and I both love them in general, though, so we're watching some this October as well. I like stuff that's more psychological and atmospheric than jumpy and gory, which leads me to tend to prefer ghost/possession kind of stories than, say, slashers. One I'd recommend is called Noroi, and it's one of those mockumentary style flicks but quite good. I can link you to a place to watch it if you're interested.
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