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The Callisto Protocol

Updated about 1 year ago

☆☆★★★ Physical day one edition
Working on plat! My GOTY when it dropped.

Updated about 1 year ago

Cities: Skylines
LOVE THIS on console somehow. List of dlc in comments area

Updated about 1 year ago

★★★★★ Snowfall, Art Deco High Tech, Radio Station Pack, Natural Disasters, Coast To Coast, Radio Pack 3, Green Cities, European Suburbia, Radio Pack 2, Sythetic Dawn, Industries, Modern japan, Mass Transit, Campus, University City, Modern City Center, Pearls from the East, Carols candles Candy
Snatcher Ownership: Other
Few chapters in

Updated about 5 years ago


SonnyBone's Status

(U) Unfinished ?No significant accomplishments.     (B) Beaten ?The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits.     (C) Completed ?For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected.
429 (U)
  269 Unplayed  
62.7% of Unfinished
26.3% of Total
11 (B)
583 (C)
Wishlist  16 ?         Top-Rated  162 ?????         Master Runs  51 (M)
PlayStation 5 2 (U) 1 (B) 6 (C) 12 Total
Wii U 8 (U) 5 (B) 7 (C) 36 Total
Wii U Downloads 8 (U) 0 (B) 4 (C) 12 Total
Virtual Console (WiiU) C O M P L E T E ! 8 Total
Steam 70 (U) 0 (B) 17 (C) 118 Total
PlayStation 4 140 (U) 1 (B) 102 (C) 362 Total
Nintendo Switch 13 (U) 0 (B) 3 (C) 22 Total
PlayStation Vita 5 (U) 0 (B) 1 (C) 8 Total
Xbox One 1 (U) 1 (B) 0 (C) 2 Total
Sega CD 1 (U) 0 (B) 0 (C) 1 Total
Nintendo 3DS 1 (U) 0 (B) 0 (C) 1 Total
Virtual Console (Wii) C O M P L E T E ! 35 Total
Xbox LIVE Arcade C O M P L E T E ! 15 Total
Wii 18 (U) 0 (B) 27 (C) 60 Total
Nintendo DS C O M P L E T E ! 16 Total
WiiWare C O M P L E T E ! 18 Total
PlayStation 3 29 (U) 3 (B) 65 (C) 142 Total
PlayStation Network 126 (U) 0 (B) 52 (C) 230 Total
Xbox 360 C O M P L E T E ! 19 Total
Android C O M P L E T E ! 2 Total
XNA Indie Games C O M P L E T E ! 21 Total
Game Boy Advance C O M P L E T E ! 14 Total
PC C O M P L E T E ! 6 Total
Nintendo 64 C O M P L E T E ! 11 Total
PC Downloads 3 (U) 0 (B) 14 (C) 27 Total
GameCube 1 (U) 0 (B) 38 (C) 43 Total
Xbox C O M P L E T E ! 4 Total
3DO C O M P L E T E ! 21 Total
PlayStation 2 C O M P L E T E ! 49 Total
Dreamcast C O M P L E T E ! 10 Total
Game Gear C O M P L E T E ! 6 Total
PlayStation 3 (U) 0 (B) 35 (C) 41 Total
Saturn C O M P L E T E ! 14 Total
Genesis / Mega Drive C O M P L E T E ! 8 Total
SNES C O M P L E T E ! 24 Total
Game Boy/Color C O M P L E T E ! 6 Total
NES C O M P L E T E ! 3 Total
All Games 1427 Total
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about 1 year ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games

I have like 80 billion games to add and so much progress to update

I'll never finish anything!

I'm also in the new Backloggery beta so I dunno if this shit is even gonna carry over?


about 8 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Out of curiosity, have you played Datura? I was briefly aboard the Plastic train as I thought Linger in Shadows was a swell demo, but Datura killed my belief that they could move from that scene into making actual games. I've paid Bound no mind because of that, but since some seem to like it I'm curious if it is a case of others just liking what they do more than I do or if they've just gotten better since their last game.
about 9 years ago

Backlog Beaten: June 27, 2011
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Yeah, the Genesis Plus GX emulator supposedly has 100% Sega CD emulation with the latest version. Granted it takes some fiddling around, since the emulator's very particular about file formats. Look up the emulator on the WiiBrew Wiki and it should give you a rundown on how to get Sega CD games working.
about 9 years ago

Backlog Beaten: June 27, 2011
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
I hacked my Wii to run emulators, and they've apparently gotten 100% Sega CD emulation. I tested it briefly and it seems to run good. Probably not playing it right away, but it's one of those games I've been meaning to play and I figure adding it to my Backlog proper will get me playing sooner or later. Emulation on the Wii is pretty great and super easy. I mean you're not gonna run anything much beyond the 16-bit era, but what does work is as good as the PC emulators. And you can use the classic controller.
about 9 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Slightly bummed to hear that Rainbow Curse doesn't quite reach the level of its predecessor. Canvas Curse is one of my favorite DS games and while I don't have a Wii U as of right now a sequel that could match it would have likely been one of the very first games I'd pick up for it when that changes.
about 9 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games

about 10 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Hyrule Warriors is seriously the best Warriors game I've played. They really nailed the feel of the characters, making sure that each was distinct and fun to play. It's also a great local co-op game, and the girlfriend and I have but a butt-ton of hours into it since release.
about 10 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Haha! I just saw your comment on my page that you left like 2 months ago.
I don't update this as much as I should, I guess, so it just says I'm still playing everything.
Which, I kind of am. Since I just play stuff and then start other stuff and hardly ever finish anything.

Hmm...maybe I should change that.

OR maybe not!

about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: June 27, 2011
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Yeah, I seen roughly the first hour of the game already. It's understandable that it expects you to be familiar with FC3 though since it is technical a stand-alone DLC for the game. Runs on the same engine, mostly has the same controls, etc. The "tutorial" part seemed half like a parody of tutorial sections since you're partner activates it against your will and your protagonist seems very annoyed he has to been handheld until he gets to kill something.
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: June 27, 2011
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
I haven't played any of the Far Cry or Saints Row games (saw my younger bro play some of The Third, though). But I have a certain affection for the kind of 80's sci-fi schlock Blood Dragon is riffing on. And I've heard positive remarks from a few folks whose opinions I trust pretty well. And I got it for five bucks on a Steam sale.
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: June 27, 2011
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Haven't played Blood Dragon yet, was thinking that'd be on my hit list soon. What pissed you off about it?
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: June 27, 2011
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Never played Cave Story 3D. Looked up some vids and... not quite as barfy as they could've been at least. But kind of unnecessary. I actually stalled on Cave Story because I messed up and forgot to do the thing to save Curly. So I'm honestly tempted to start over because there's a bit that happens if you don't that really bums me out. Guess that's one of the advantages of a reasonably short game, I won't be set back too far on time.

Also not that you asked, but after being repeatedly burned on games that I got for cheap that wound up being kinda balls, I've decided I'm not buying anywhere games till I knock my backlog into the single digits. I'm too strapped for cash right now to keep buying games when I've got dozens I haven't beaten yet, even if it only costs me a couple bucks. Only exception I'll make is for Hotline Miami 2 when it drops, since I'm hype for that game.
about 10 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
I enjoyed Far Cry 3 when taking on the individual camps on my own, but ye god the writing and story in that game was just so painfully awful. If it makes you feel any better it... well it stays as bad throughout
about 10 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Haha, hey internet creeping is what I do best~ You are welcome, though. :D

GameFly might be the best thing for this game, especially if you know you're hit or miss on NIS games in general. Like I said, you could end up playing it and absolutely adoring it in all the places I didn't. You may end up feeling the same. Just try and go into it with an open mind and see how you feel about it overall. I obviously hope you enjoy it rather than hate it, but I just don't want you to get your hopes up like I did, either!

Awesome is what I do best.

about 10 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
You are most welcome! I did some snooping around and saw that you develop games; kudos to you! I also wanted to say congrats on getting your pixel art article published -- it was incredibly informative.

As for The Hundred Knight, I hate it. Haha. I'm going to copy and paste my comment from another friend to you, as I believe I clearly and concisely summarize exactly how I feel:

Not all of it is bad, but the parts that are bad are in the worst places to be bad, so it really detracts from the game as a whole. If you're curious, watch the first part of my game where I'm covering the beginning, that way you aren't spoiling a whole lot (it's all on my Twitch/YouTube channels). You can see and hear my pain points. Most of them are only further elaborated as the game goes on. [You, of course, do not have to watch if you don't wish to.]

- Action RPG elements are solid.
- Neat battle system with enemy strengths and resistances that is in depth enough to create strategy but basic enough you aren't spending hours figuring it out.
- The art is pretty, and the voice acting is excellent.

- So. Much. Dialog. In all the worst places, about shit that doesn't matter. It's just awful. Also lots of unnecessary swearing and a really brash game for only have been given a "T" rating (I would have given it an "M" ).
- One dimensional characters are bland and predictable.
- Lots of features that feel like they were just thrown in to hinder the game: stamina bar, GCals, Tochka, numbered equip system, etc. It's like they had a bunch of cool ideas that could have been used for separate games but they dumped them all into this one.
- Music and sound effects are sub-par at best. They are often times frustrating to listen to. I've found a total of three songs so far worth listening to. Nothing I am humming when I shut the game off though.
- I haven't found a suitable plot yet. It's just this cluster of meta-plots.

You may still want to give it a try -- this is only my personal opinion, and I don't play a whole lot of NISA games, so maybe this is what people expect when they play games from them? I'm not sure. It's certainly not for me though.
about 10 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
I adore your icon.
about 10 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
That's a shame. Perhaps I'll give it a shot once it hits the bargain bin.
Crashing like a stone upon my skull