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Rhythm Heaven Fever
Just finished 2nd Remix

Updated about 12 years ago

Warriors Orochi 3
All stages clear, everyone's unlocked. Time to mess around a little more with Musou Battlefield and the other characters

Updated about 12 years ago

Dungeon Defenders
Main- Tower Squire, Crossbow Huntress. Currently Working on- Tower EV

Updated about 12 years ago

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Firebrand/Captain America/Doctor Strange

Updated about 12 years ago

Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Near the end in a co-op campaign.

Updated about 12 years ago

Final Fantasy XIII-2
That's... kinda heavy, Noel.

Updated about 12 years ago

Rayman Origins
Half-way there, it seems.

Updated about 12 years ago

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03/27/10 at 3:11 PM EDT

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
I'll beat him eventually...
03/01/10 at 8:41 AM EST

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Focus: Only playing one game
Oh, damn. I've heard so many great things about TvC, and it really appeals to me, and although it's not a deal-breaker, the poor online play is definitely a disappointment. However, I'm still considering getting a Wii just for it and a few other games (namely Muramasa, MadWorld, House of the Dead: Overkill, and both the RE Chronicles games).

... Christ, I need a job.
02/24/10 at 9:49 AM EST

Man, the terrible netplay on Tatsunoko vs Capcom is just compounding home what a wasted opportunity TvC is for most of us. The game plays like a dream and, despite half the cast being completely unfamiliar to me, gameplay-wise feels a lot more varied and interesting then most of it's Marvel counterparts- which is huge for me to say because anyone who knows me knows that Marvel Super Heroes is pretty much my pinnacle of the fighting game genre and anything that has come since is just trying to live up to it, as far as I'm concerned.

It's just such a pain in my ass that it's come out for pretty much the one system it can't really live up to it's hype. The Nintendo Wifi network is horrible- anyone who Brawls online knows some of the pain it can bring, but TvC somehow manages to have it's best running along some of Brawl's WORST connections, as far as I've seen. I'm not quite as bad off as a couple of my friends (one of whom can't seem to find a match where he can't press a button, put the controller down, count to 3, then watch the command come out) but it's still like trying to play underwater. The lack of lobby play (albut, that was an issue with SF4 as well) and the clunky attempt to work around Nintendo's mandatory Friend Code system just add to the issue. Throw in the fact that, thanks to the lack of need for it before and likely after TvC, the Wii is one of two consoles in the last two generations I don't have a arcade stick for (the other, of course, being the Gamecube) and... argh.
02/10/10 at 5:48 AM EST

Backlog Beaten: January 15, 2010
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
02/09/10 at 4:28 AM EST

Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Never played any SaGa game, nor Final Fantasy Legends...I'm pretty much a virgin in the JRPG area, but I want to play the best of those some day, and within that project there is the intent of playing every FF with a number come out yet that isn't an MMO!

I just played FF 8 up to the second disc, never finished it, but magic didn't seem usefull in there as well...
02/08/10 at 5:58 AM EST

Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I heared FFII has horrible grinding in it, I still have to play that one and I fear the day I'll start it!

GoW is goin' just fine, a lot of tits here and there (nice tits in the FMV, fake tits in the game itself), but the gameplay is nice and the story is nothing meh for now. Greek mythology was never explored fully up until today, at least, not as far as I remember.

The combo system is nothing to deep, you just tap square all the time, every now and then you have to use triangle to do some strong movs, but basically that's it.

Quicktime events are nice. Being petrified by a medusa not so much! -.-'
02/06/10 at 1:19 PM EST

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Oh ew. I had borrowed DS2 after a pretty long session of DS1 playing and I was curious to see if it borrowed some of the stuff that was good about the first one (eg finding magic spells, the open world, the decent if generic story, the weaponry, the interesting monsters, the fact that it doesn't look horrible in a lower resolution on a big monitor etc. etc.) It kept the open world, and honestly I didn't get far enough to see if it kept the rest. The thing I liked about DS1, most notably the whole being able to find spells and use them instead of leveling up and unlocking spells, as well as the fact that there were a large number of character customizations possible because you weren't shoehorned into a certain class were conspicuously absent in the second. Oh and the fact that the first one had good multiplayer.

Honestly, I'm rambling, but I really really didn't like DS2. DS1 is $10 now, but it was worth the $30 I spent on it
02/06/10 at 12:40 AM EST

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
So I stumbled on your page thru Celebandune's and I couldn't help but notice how how hated, hated, hated Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony. I agree. While I hadn't played through that particular one (due to my unfortunate lack of a PSP) I do immensely love the first one, which I consider one of the best PC role playing games ever.

If ToA borrows heavily from the second game, that is why it was bad (because the second one was awful).
02/05/10 at 4:26 PM EST

I think I've figured out why I hate the friends they tacked onto Kirby's Dream Land 2 and 3.

They suck compared to Kirby.

We're talking about a main character that can fly, slide, gain a vast assortment of powers, is small, very maneuverable, and durable. He's basically one of the most flexable, potentially overpowered characters in platforming- the main reason a lot of Kirby games are stupid-easy isn't because the stage layouts or enemies are weak and simple to beat, it's that it's hard to make a challenge that the steriod-enhanced pink puffball can't plow through. A lot of challenge in Kirby games comes from finding ways of utilizing Kirby's abilities to the fullest. Carry this power (Stone is a favorite) from this point in the level all the way to the end. Maneuver around in water/airstreams to make it to this door before the scrolling catches you. Figure out how to set off this chain reaction using only the powers available from enemies in this room.

Kirby's friends are basically the easiest cop out answer to trying to set up these kinds of puzzles by stripping Kirby of said abilities instead. They all make Kirby larger and thus easier to hit, restrict his mobility in some way (Even Coo, by far the most mobile if Kirby's animal partners, ties him entirely to flight mode, when a lot of times it's better to treat the games like normal platformers and use running and sliding to clear stuff,) and they frequently utilize powers in useless or asnine ways that's usually only any good to solve one particular puzzle IN THE GAME.

The entire lot of them are downgrades from Kirby's base chassis, and KDL3 in particular shoves them down your throat a lot in order to get Heart Stars. Get Kine + Parasol and solve a bunch of terrible jumping puzzles that are only a challenge because you're literally a fish out of water. Grab Chu-Chu and clear this cliff segment that'd be easy for Kirby, but Chu-Chu has to do some daring ceiling-crawling and trick-jumping to get it done. Take slow, fat, awful Rick and clear one of the most high-flying stages in the game through creative wall jumping and enemy-bumping. This isn't where the fun is- it's obnoxious at best, and the absolute coldest kind of challenging at worst.

And then there's the minigames. Oh god screw those minigames.

Kirby's Dream Land 3 is still a pretty good game, but it, along with 64, are probably my least favorite of the main Kirby platformers, and that rant above pretty much sums up why.
01/27/10 at 6:36 PM EST

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
I haven't played the everlasting shit out of Brawl, i don't even own a Wii, i played it with a friend of mine for like a month, and i can say that it felt like from an involution from Melee: event though i gotta admit that in Melee some characters were not too much well balanced, in Brawl i saw an horrendous unbalance and overpowering of some characters over others, and what are those "super moves"?
It's more a festival of quantity over quality, in my opinion, and if in a fighting game there are the strong ones and the shitty ones, then is the end.
I must be able to win with every character, of course with lots of practice..
Then again, i'm not a fighting gamer expert, i could be wrong, but that's it. ^^
I could pick up SC 4, i played the demo and i liked it, why not for 15 bucks?
01/27/10 at 6:27 AM EST

Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Well, we're talking opinions now, and everyone know how that end!
Anyways, I still havn't ventured further in the Chronicles of the Sword in Soul Calibur III, so we'll talk about that some other day! For now I'm done with the Arcade mode with every character I unlocked so far, and that's it.

@ your Dungeon Siege rant: Well, that's why the game is called Throne of Agony! You're sitting on it while you play it!
01/26/10 at 6:43 PM EST

I'm not sure if anyone understands how un-fun Dungeon Siege is getting at this point. Level 25 getting through Act 1 is really, really low. The boss of act 1 was level 36. Most normal minions in the first zone in the new area are somewhere between 32-34, with elites going up to 37. My accuracy is something like 5% on everything, and the only reason I'm getting through is because attacks still cause their special effects even on a miss message, meaning that between my burning damage and my golem's stun on his rocks, I'm pretty much keeping everything dizzy while they slowly (and I do mean slowly roast to death.

The worst part is, I've done every mission, run every dungeon at least once, and have skipped nor rushed through anything. I'm anywhere from 8-10 levels underleveled 33% of the way through the game by doing everything and aiming for completion. This is why I quit the game once before, as the half-giant warlord- without a way to kill anything that didn't ignore miss percentages, everything was basically a two-minute boss encounter unless I went to old dungeons and cleared them repeatedly for levels. This is BAD game design, and I really, really hope this fixes itself somewhere during act 2.
01/24/10 at 7:07 AM EST

Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I havn't played SC1 (yet?), but seen it a couple times, and it seemed okay to me.

I highly disagree when you say SC3 was the better single player game...I think story mode is boring after you did it with 10 charaters at most, and the only interesting (yet not so much explored) aspect of the SPC is the strategy part. I only started it, so I won't say nor mutter anything about it. But the story mode...bah, it gets old and repetitive quickly, I had a lot more fun with SC2's single player modes.

Also, I don't think SC3 looks worse than SC2, the characters have nice costumes (not all of them, of course, but some have!), and the stages are drawn much beautifuller, with destruction effects and so forth... I really don't see how you can say SC2 looks better, maybe in the character costume department, but nowhere else (IMO)! What is your take on this?

About the new chars, I think they were a little off, but not as much as you describe them to be. Tira was fresh air, her weapon is nice and the moves quite good. Zasalamel has its own taste, althou I don't like him that much, and Setsuka...meh, I don't like her, can't use her well, but maybe that's just me!

Didn't know about that variable cancels stuff! °_° you basically are able to do two moves at ones, did I get it right? °_°
01/23/10 at 3:08 PM EST (edited)

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Saw your comment on Celebandune's backlog about SC II and III, and man, you concretized that "i think this game is kinda broken but i don't really know" feeling about 3 i had. I'm not a long playing fighting games expert, but i hate when something is broken, i mean, really broken. (perfect balance between characters is pure utopia, but sometimes they really fuck up, like SSB Brawl, an huge downfall from Melee, more on DBZ Tenkaichi level)
I kinda want to play 4, seems pretty good to me, but i'm kinda hesitant.
01/22/10 at 11:03 PM EST

I hate rotom because it was Annoying to catch. It was level 15 and all my pokemon were 50+
01/22/10 at 9:10 AM EST

Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Man, you sound like you've been playing fighting games for decades, or at least SC2/3/4. I sincerely play SC2/3 with joy, but try not to make a sport out of it.
That's far from saying I button mash, but I mostly fight against the CPU or my friends, who are all not as good as I am. So I get some trouble from time to time, but never a serious challanger!
I would really like to see you in action some time, so to learn something out of it. I have some serious problems in SC3 with some enemies, and I think the blocking system has it flaws...

What do you think about a SC2 vs. SC3 comparison?
01/20/10 at 4:36 PM EST

Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Something save? Like...the bow? The Boomerang? The Bombs? They seem safe enough for me!

Necrid a mistake? I find him quite fun to use, certainly not the best character of the bunch, but still fun. What do you think is wronga bout him? °_°
01/19/10 at 1:03 AM EST

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Sleep: Not playing anything
Sorry for the late response.. Been neglecting BL a lot lately =/
I haven't really played the Black deck too much. I switch back and forth b/w all the decks I've unlocked, really, except I think I'm liking the White one the most (lots of flying). What's reanimation? I don't have too much experience in MtG other than the XBL version of it.. I'm more of a Naruto/Yugioh TCG player!
01/17/10 at 6:06 AM EST

Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Thanks for the explaination!

Hmmm...I have to try him out then, you made me curious about him now!

You didn't answer my question thou!

Quote from below: "You have SC2 on the Xbox? Ever tried the GC version?"
01/16/10 at 6:02 AM EST

Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
What's GGPO?

Yoshimitsu? Man, I always thought of him as a lesser Mitsurugi and never focused on him anyways! Is he that strong? I mean, I cut holes in any characters with Mitsurugi, if I discover Yoshi to be stronger than him, I could quickly train myself.

Xianghua may be cursed, I totally agree, I hate her almost as much as I hate Voldo. She's quick and deadly, never tried to use her thou, that might have been a mistake.

You have SC2 on the Xbox? Ever tried the GC version? I think Link was perfect to fit into the SC rooster!

Never tried VF5, SSFTHDR, BlazBlue, and only played two matches in SF4, so can't really compare it to those, I just know I like SC better than DoA, I played 1-3 and didn't quite like them!
Punch! Kick!