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Dragon Quest V Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Doing my first play through with Deborah. It feels so wrong to not choose Nera.

Updated about 7 years ago


obishawn's Status

(U) Unfinished ?No significant accomplishments.     (B) Beaten ?The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits.     (C) Completed ?For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected.
248 (U)
  28 Unplayed  
11.3% of Unfinished
7.3% of Total
66 (B)
72 (C)
Wishlist  0 ?         Top-Rated  13 ?????         Master Runs  12 (M)
Virtual Console (3DS) 3 (U) 0 (B) 0 (C) 3 Total
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3DS Downloads 36 (U) 2 (B) 1 (C) 40 Total
Nintendo DS 77 (U) 14 (B) 14 (C) 172 Total
PlayStation Portable 20 (U) 2 (B) 1 (C) 48 Total
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GameCube 3 (U) 6 (B) 15 (C) 39 Total
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Dialogue Box   (add comment)

about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Thanks! I do want to redo the avatar though. I don't like it...

Oh yeah, it'd be great if we had a three player game going! I haven't even looked at the online co-op stuff yet, since that's where all the bugs are supposed to be. According to that overly obsessed poster on the GameFAQs board.

I'm a bit weird about talking over a mic for gaming, though. Everyone always gave me crap about it in World of Warcraft. One guy, we've known for a few years and I still get shy about using a mic. Then again, they'd always put me on the spot and tell me to say something... How was I supposed to know what to bring up?

Anyway, so far I really like the game. So happy to see that it's not as buggy as a small handful of people were making it out to be. Tempted to start all four characters right away though, so they can all earn as much valor as possible before the year is up.

You're playing as the class I was going to start with. Decided to go with the caster because I heard that the gunslinger is a bit over-powered. At the boss now, the final boss to that dungeon I think, and it sure is a bitch. That's good though too, was afraid the game would be a total cake-walk.

Oh yeah, I also gave my best over at Yorlik's BL to convince him. Then, my editing abruptly got cut short.
about 12 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Hey there, it's been like forever. Thought I'd give you a shoutout, say hi, and leave you with this link:

about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
"Hey you. Thanks for dusting my Backloggery shelves. I think I'll be having interent at home pretty soon, which will increase my activity on here significantly. I have so much updating to do, games to add and such."

Ha, about how many games do you have to add? Bak'laag is going to love you! Speaking of adding games, have you noticed the new medals? [Link] You're going to end up being poisoned!

"Who is this lovely young lady in your banner? I had been meaning to ask for a while, but it slipped my mind."

It's two of the characters from Gravity Rush on Vita. Not sure of their names, one may be Raven... I've only played the demo up to the point of first meeting the lady w/ black hair. What I seen of the game, I really liked. Hopefully, the Vita will drop in price (sooner than later).

"I'm glad you can anticipate EOVI. I haven't given the series a fair chance. I still have the first game but my black log, coupled with my desrie for other games, has pushed EOI to the back burner."

It definitely requires a bit of time to finish. For me it did, anyway. One-hundred, forty some hours of playing before I even seen the final boss. Spent a lot of time w/ side quests too, though. It's hard to give an unbiased opinion about the game... I loved every minute of it.

Been tempted to start up the second one again, since I just finished Radiant Historia. Started it up the other day and just got my ass handed to me. Couldn't remember what my limits were and apparently explored too deep into the labyrinth.

"I'm still waiting on a really good RPG for the 3DS, something that it is horribly lacking. There's Devil Survivor and the Tales game (which I own but I'm having a hard time getting into) but that's about it."

I know what you mean... Trying to force myself to take out some of the RPGs for the DS while I wait. Devil Survivor was tempting me for a while for the DS, a used copy is twenty dollars cheaper than the new Overclocked version. The extras don't seem worth it to me. Plus, the sequel is only twenty dollars new, so it ends up being free (kind of).

Note: I've already purchased Devil Survivor for the DS when it initially came out. Just lost interest (got distracted?) in it and it ended up being traded in towards something else. I did like it, especially the battle system. Just difficult to like anime characters..
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
The last bit...

"Anyways, I'm attempting to download Legend of Dragoon to my PSP."

Have you tried it out yet? I remember really enjoying the story, yet suffering through the game to find out how it ends. Started to feel drawn out and slow. Might have just been me, though.

"Oh, by the way, I picked up the Game of Thrones game. Haven't started it yet, but I'm eagerly looking forward to it. I have watched season 1 a few times now and I am thoroughly enjoying the first book, (on my Nook )."

Mmm, Nook! I'm still attempting to save up for that one that recently came out. The one with the back light. So far, I have a lot more saving to do... At least I turned the other half on to wanting one, so I have his blessing!

Anyway, have you gotten around to taking a peek at the game yet?

"I'm about halfway through it now. Arya has stoloen my heart. Love her! I recently got a Border Collie mix and named the dog Arya. I've actually been putting aside gaming to read. Its been a while since I've found a book this captivating. Thanks again for recommending it!"

That's about where I left off in the first book, half way, last year. Tyrion had just escaped that crazy sister's tower, w/ the creepy kid. Can't remember their names...

Now that I've finished the second season, I'm tempted to skip the first book and continue with the second. It's so difficult to sit down and actually read. There's always something else that I want to do.

Ack, I thought the kitten's name was Arya! Just wait until you get further in. A little about her character had been spoiled to me. Makes it even more difficult to accept that it'll probably be a few years before I finish the series at my current speed. The other half read all five in a few weeks...

You're welcome!
about 12 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Focus: Only playing one game
Skyrim Dawnguard trailer, crossbows and fighting on horse back too.

about 12 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Thank you, sir.

lol, there's a LEGOS Avengers game? Nice theme, yourself.
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Oh man, those videos look great (of EO IV)! Thanks for linking them to me, though you may have aggravated the EO II itch... Thought Radiant Historia was able to shake that.

I can already picture/imagine what the 3D is going to look like on the 3DS. Being able to see what type of F.O.E. you're about to possibly encounter is quite nice as well. Better looking than I thought it'd be!

Man, even July for a Japan release is a long wait. Really hope that it doesn't take much longer to be available here. It was one of the main reasons I wanted a 3DS.

Not sure if it's possible to beat two EO games before the fourth is released... Must put more effort into attempting it! Was actually tempted to try playing both the second and third at the same time. Still am.

Anyhow, don't mind me. Just stopping by to dust your BL off a bit for you! Don't want you to have a sneezing fit when you find the time to return!
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Going through my backup of comments... Not sure how I missed this one.

"This is a first! Well, two seeks ago (just now getting to replying, visitig an internet coffee shop) you left a comment with absolutely no editting what-so-ever!"

You finally caught me! I must have been dead on that day...

How's the Nook?! I'm tempted to start looking into 'em again now, along with the Kindle and any other cheap option. Keyword: cheap.

Edit: Will check out that video when I can turn on the sound, or find my headphones.
about 12 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Obiiiiiii...... Hope things are well!

I'm getting close to taking over your comments again. Maybe I can succeed this time!
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
The fact that you didn't even notice makes it stranger. It's not like there was less than a minute passed between comments, it was nearly an hour. If I remember right that is...

For awhile, during last summer, I stopped playing games altogether. Spent about an hour or two reading the first book in the series, instead. Lately though, I've been tempted to pick it up again. Come March, I'll have more time since class becomes independent study/work. Hopefully, I'll be able to fill the empty time slot with a job instead of books and games though!

Also, I know you've been pretty busy lately. So whenever you get the time, that's fine. It sounds like the store I pre-ordered from isn't going to even be getting any in. I'm happy enough to know that I have one with my name on it, so thanks again!

As long as I'm here typing... Do you know if it's possible to play PS2 Classics from PSN on the PSVita? Any plans of getting one?
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Ooh, I must admit that an RPG based on the books sounds more appealing than the other game. If I remember right, you're the one that brought that one to my attention too. I'll have to remember to keep an eye out for information on it. I don't play first-person RPGs too often but I do love what I've read of the first book and the first television season.

Probably a stupid question considering how busy you are... Did you ever manage to get into the first book at all? My bookmark has remained at about half-way through the first book for months now. Really, really need to finish it before the second season starts! It's doubtful that I'll finish the second book before the second season at this point.

Too many zombies roaming a ship and too much code to write! I still have to listen to that short story...

I noticed that you left the same comment twice. It was weird because they were over an hour a part and exactly the same. Hopefully you don't mind that I deleted one of the two, I made sure they were the same link first. Did you do that on purpose?
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
No way!!! I had a small fear that it wouldn't actually come to be. It seems to be such a niche game series (I think that's the right term). I'm so, so excited. Feeling like I just stepped off an emotional roller coaster ride.

Edited this from earlier (just in case you caught me before I finished again and are now confused). I noticed your comment on my BL, then proceeded to check my e-mail. My eyes were instantly caught by "etrian-odyssey-iv" and I assumed it was from you, so I just clicked on it. Turned out it was from Yorlik, you both found news on the game.

Thanks for the news! It's good that you told me to check it. It's become so over run with spam these last few months that I only check it every few days now. It might have been a while before I found out! I need to come up with a new e-mail account...
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
I'm pretty sure you mentioned getting a job at Gamestop, it sounds familiar. How are you liking it?

I worked for them a while back as seasonal help. It was fun working with a bunch of fellow gamers, having first dibs on used games, and the discount. Being allowed to borrow games was nice too, though I only did it a couple of times. I just didn't like trying to push that rewards card all the time. Especially when it came to regulars that denied it multiple times beforehand.

You must be pretty busy with all those hours scheduled for working. Not to mention how consuming Skyrim must be. I could totally see myself getting lost in that game. I'll have to give it a try one of these days... Maybe. Diablo III can't be too much farther away and I'd much rather play that one. It's not too often that I devote time to PC gaming.

Anyway, it's good to hear that you're doing well. I'll have to send you a text one of these days. I'm so awful when it comes to using my phone.
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Haven't heard from you in a while, or notice you update your BL. Hope all is well and life hasn't gotten too hectic for fun and games! Have a safe, peachy holiday!

(edited because the pirate made too big of a gap between the lines...)
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
That video is pretty insane! Remind me to not underestimate dragons in Skyrim, since if it ever does arrive in this house, it'll be for the PC.

I'm tempted to get it for the other-half for his birthday, just not sure if he'd get into it, or not... He's mentioned wanting to try it before, since he's getting sick of WoW. Would a fan of WoW be able to get into Skyrim?

The only Pac-Man game that I've ever really fell in love with was on Atari 2600. It was Junior Pac-Man. The one with the giant maps that wouldn't' fit on your television screen, it'd scroll twice to get from one end to the other.

Starting with Dementium 2 might be the only way to get me into the series, I think. That part in the first game that I continuously died at is what's stopping me from giving it another try. It's mentally scarred me, I'm afraid of dying again!

I've never played a GameCube before. I'm not even that familiar with the library for it... Sad thing is, I barely have enough time to play my hand helds. It'd probably take forever to gain attention from me since I have so many games to finish already. After hearing about those Crimson Heads, I'm not sure I want to experience them!

I'm cursed and must edit nearly all comments... I always think of something else to add, then have to rearrange/edit paragraphs, or I just made a stupid typo and it annoys me.

Still searching for that second coin in the first level! Now, I have even more to hunt down in the second and third worlds. Up to ten deaths now!
about 12 years ago (edited)

Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Hey! It's been a while. How've you been, man?

And yeah, Mario Land and Skyrim are excellent games, and I love how they go so well together-- they're nothing alike, so it's a great change of pace.

Though I got Game Dev Story for Android the other day, and it's seriously bumped aside those two for a bit. I now play Skyrim two hours a day instead of six-to-eight. Heh. Game Dev Story is as addicting as Civilization, I think. You should give it a try; it's as referential to the industry as Retro Game Challenge.

Nah, I'm not friends with him, but it's great that the Renegade Kid love is spreading! Can't wait for Mutant Mudds!

EDIT: Thanks; your banner's awesome too. Makes me want to play.
about 12 years ago

Backlog Beaten: July 11, 2010
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Sleep: Not playing anything
Oh, wow, you're banner is awesome.
about 12 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Focus: Only playing one game
Hey, it's been quite awhile!

It's a great game, but so far it seems a bit overrated. It's too early to judge, though, since I've only beaten the second dungeon and haven't done any of the side quest stuff. I hear it really starts getting good at the third dungeon, so we'll see. It's also much harder than the other 3D Zeldas; you start with six hearts since enemies will deal up to two hearts of damage in the first dungeon (and that's not even Hero Mode, where enemies deal double the amount of damage!). And yeah, the sword combat is incredibly fun and fights do require a hint of strategy. You can't just hack away at an enemy and expect to win (not without getting whacked all over the place, anyway). You should definitely check it out!

I kind of want Skyrim since I've never played an Elder Scrolls game before.
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Yet another soul lost to Skyrim... My brother was going to show the game to me on Thanksgiving. The chance to escape the toddlers never made it to the party, though.

Anyway, very cool, new banner! It makes me want to buy neon lights and design something similar for my computer room.
about 12 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
We haven't spoken in a while... Just thought I'd stop by to say, "Hello." How'd the move into the new place go? Hopefully, you're near finished with unpacking and settling in by now. Then again, we moved into the place we're at three years ago and there's still a few random, unpacked boxes tucked away from sight...

I've thought to send you a text a few times in the last week. Every time that it comes to mind, my phone is out of reach in another room. I'm most often near my laptop so I hope this serves well enough, considering you don't seem to update too frequently as of late.

Noticed that you picked up Cave Story 3D. You'll have to let me know what you think of it once you start it up. I'm not too familiar with the game yet have heard good things about it.

I finally have that short story on my .mp3 player, just need to listen to it! I'm so slow... Metroid music remixed to metal, it rocks!